Student Vision Statement (every year)
By the time you turn 14 years old and until you complete high school, you will be asked every year to provide your vision statement of what you think will happen in 1 year and up to 5 years from now. It's ok not to know for sure! The hope is that this form will at least help you to begin thinking about how you see your future.
Freshman Year
The Freshman Year Transition Log is intended to be used to help staff record transition activities for the freshman year. It lists the three questionnaires suggested for use by freshmen with room for recording other activities. Concerns that staff may want to address are listed also.
The Freshman Year Transition Guide offers an extensive list of transition activities and concerns not all of which may be applicable to all students; however, all those involved with a particular student should consider which areas merit further investigation. The next three informal evaluations and questionnaires should be used for most freshman.
Freshman Year Transition Guide
The Study Skills Self Examination can be used during all four years of a student's high school experience and will be useful in charting his/her growth as a student.
The Likes and Dislikes survey is intended for use by freshmen and sophomores to get an idea of their interests outside of school.
The Learning Style Evaluation is intended for use by freshmen and sophomores to help them further understand how they learn best.
The Personal Strengths survey is intended for use by freshmen and sophomores to help them further understand their strengths.
Personal Strengths
Sophomore Year
The Sophomore Year Transition Log is intended to be used to help staff record transition activities for the sophomores year. It lists the three questionnaires suggested for use by sophomores with room for recording other activities. Concerns that staff may want to address are listed also.
The Sophomore Year Transition Guide offers an extensive list of transition activities and concerns not all of which may be applicable to all students; however, all those involved with a particular student should consider which areas merit further investigation. The next two informal evaluations and questionnaires should be used for most sophomores.
Sophomore Year Transition Guide
The Personal Profile is intended for sophomores who have completed two or three surveys and have developed a sense of their strengths and weaknesses as well as what they need to be successful.
The Skills worksheet is intended for sophomores and juniors to help them further identify the skills they will bring to higher education or to a vocation.
The Study Skills Self Examination can be used during all four years of a student's high school experience and will be useful in charting his/her growth as a student.
Junior Year
The Junior Year Transition Log is intended to be used to help staff record transition activities for the junior year. It lists the three questionnaires suggested for use by juniors with room for recording other activities. Concerns that staff may want to address are listed also.
The Junior Year Transition Guide offers an extensive list of transition activities and concerns not all of which may be applicable to all students; however, all those involved with a particular student should consider which areas merit further investigation. The next three informal evaluations and questionnaires should be used for most juniors.
The Transition Planning survey is intended for juniors and seniors to aid in the development of their vision for the future as they transition from high school and should not be confused with the Transition Planning Form attached to the IEP. The Dream Sheet is a similar document and can be used to complement or take the place of the Transition Planning survey.
A Positive Personal Profile (PPP) is a way to “take inventory” of all the attributes of youth that will be relevant to their job search, employability, job match, retention and long-range career development. It is a mechanism for collecting information from a variety of sources, including assessments, observations, interviews, and discussions with the job seekers - and people who know them well.
The Study Skills Self Examination can be used during all four years of a student's high school experience and will be useful in charting his/her growth as a student.
Study Skills Self-Examination
The Career Cluster Interest Survey is a tool used to help students narrow down possible career matches when considering their skills, interests and abilities. Once the assessment is complete students can use the results to further explore careers using O*Net OnLine. O*NET OnLine has detailed descriptions of the world of work for use by job seekers, workforce development and HR professionals, students, researchers, and more. O*NET OnLine is sponsored by the U.S. Department of Labor, Employment & Training Administration.
Career Cluster Interest Survey - O*Net Online
The AIR Self-Determination Scale is intended to help students become aware of their level of dependence and the skills they need to work on to become more independent. It will be of value for any level may be given several times to measure growth.
The Knowing Yourself survey contains a variety of questionnaires designed to help students become more aware of their interests and strengths and weaknesses. It also comes with suggested activities to use in presenting the questionnaires. Many of the surveys are posted above; the activities suggested in this document distinguish it from the surveys posted in isolation.
Senior Year
The Senior Year Transition Log is intended to be used to help staff record transition activities for the senior year. It lists the three questionnaires suggested for use by seniors with room for recording other activities. Concerns that staff may want to address are listed also.
The Landmark College Readiness Assessment has identified five essential foundations that are particularly critical for students with learning disabilities or AD/HD in order to succeed in a traditional higher education setting. Understanding these core areas can help students recognize the challenges that they will face in college and identify areas where additional support and development may be needed.
College Readiness Assessment by Landmark College
The Dream Sheet is most effective with juniors or seniors and will be helpful in the development of their visions for the future.
The Senior Year Transition Guide offers an extensive list of transition activities and concerns not all of which may be applicable to all students; however the all those involved with a particular student should consider which areas merit further investigation.
The SOP or Summary of Performance is intended to provide seniors with a document that summarizes their strengths and weaknesses. It is imperative that the SOP or Summary of Performance be completed with all seniors, it is a state and federally mandated document and vital to all seniors as they exit high school. t also suggests the support they will need to be successful beyond high school. Their most recent assessments should be attached.
The Work Survey will help students identify the characteristics of the work environments they will be most comfortable in. It is of value for all students but will be most valuable for those students intending to enter the world of work after high school.
The Study Skills Self Examination can be used during all four years of a student's high school experience and will be useful in charting his/her growth as a student.
The Survival Skills document offers a series of wonderful concrete suggestions for special education students to insure their success in post-secondary education. It may be useful to pair this with the study skills inventory to compare what the students are currently doing with the best practices offered in the Survival Skills doc. All seniors should read the Survival Skills and Post-Secondary Ed. documents as they provide important information as to how to access college services and become a successful student in any post-secondary institution.
The Post-Secondary Ed. document is published by the Office of Civil Rights of the U. S. Department of Education and explains the rights and responsibilities of students with disabilities who are preparing to attend post-secondary schools. This pamphlet also explains the obligations of a post-secondary school to provide academic adjustments, including auxiliary aids and services, to ensure that the school does not discriminate on the basis of disability. There are important differences in the manner in which public high schools and post-secondary institutions offer services and accommodate students with disabilities and this document is a wonderful vehicle in which to begin to understand those differences.