
In an effort to ensure we remain fiscally responsible as stewards of public funds, we strive to be accountable and transparent. For more information on our overarching strategic planning, we encourage you to visit our Transparency Center.

Below are our budget books and related presentations. (After clicking the button with the specific budget year listed, please wait patiently for our documents to load below.)

FY26 Budget Resources
Information applicable to the FY26 Budget will periodically be placed on this page.

12.18.24 Circuit Breaker Memo

1.3.25 Budget Memo

1.10.25 Budget Memo

1.17.25 Budget Memo

1.24.25 Budget Memo

2.3.25 Budget Memo

2.14.25 Budget Memo

3.12.25 Budget Memo

February 2025 Budget Memo Concerning Queries From the Natick Finance Committee

The FY26 Budget was published on February 1, 2025. (See budget book or navigate to above link in button labeled "FY26 Budget Book.")

The Town of Natick has created a page related to the potential FY26 override that is regularly updated. Please note that many questions related specifically to the NPS FY26 Budget have been answered within the Q&A document on the town webpage.

If you would like printed copies or need assistance with any materials related to the Fiscal Year 2026 Natick Public Schools Budget, please don't hesitate to contact communications@natickps.org. You may also call 508-647-6500, extension 1496 for help with any of our documents. The Superintendent's Office can be reached by calling 508-647-6500, extension 1500.