Translation Instructions for Newsletters

How can I get my newsletter translated?

(Get these instructions in your language here)
Available languages:
Arabic, Chinese, Dutch, Gujarati, Hindi, Japanese, Norwegian, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Ukrainian, and Vietnamese

All newsletters from Natick Public Schools (including school newsletters) have translation options built in.

STEP 1: View the Newsletter Online – Scroll all the way to the top of the NPS Engage newsletter and click on the Translate button. This will launch the browser (e.g. Safari, Chrome) on your device.

Explanatory image

STEP 2: Access the Translate function – Now that you are in your web browser, the Translate/Translating button will allow you pick your target language as you click on the expandable menu at the top of the newsletter.


explanatory image

STEP 3: You’ll see the newsletter displayed in your target language in mostly the same design format. This is where we welcome your feedback. Let us know this works for you. Write communications[at] if you have comments or questions.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. Can I see the newsletter translated in my email application?

A. Our newsletter service does not permit that option at this time.