Elementary Enrichment Programs

Elementary Enrichment courses run for eight weeks and are open to students who attend the school at which each course is offered.

Classes are designed and led by NPS staff, and focus on hands-on exploration and collaborative fun!


$100/course/child for 8-week session

Registration announcements and reminders go out via school e-blast email addresses in the weeks prior to each session.

After school classes begin at school dismissal (please pack a nut-free snack!) and end at the following times based on location*:

  • Ben-Hem: 4:00 PM

  • Brown & Lilja: 4:15 PM

  • Memorial: 4:30 PM

Before school classes begin 75 minutes before the start of the school day, and end at school dismissal (see course descriptions for details).

NOTE: Courses may not be offered at every school each session.

Registration Information
Please see below for registration dates, registration links, and course descriptions for each session. Please note that information is routinely updated at the start of each school year/session.

On (or before) the registration deadline, families will receive an email regarding enrollment status and the deadline for tuition payment for successfully enrolled children.

Please do not pay tuition until you have received an enrollment confirmation.

Children for whom we do not receive payment by the deadline will be removed from the course. Space is limited; registrations are accepted on a first-come, first-served basis. We reserve the right to cancel a course due to low enrollment.


  • Children may only attend courses offered at their home school.

  • We cannot accommodate change or withdrawal requests after the registration deadline.

  • Children should bring a water bottle and a nut-free snack.

  • NPS Financial Assistance may be applied to Elementary Enrichment tuition on a space-available basis.

  • Please email Megan Cap-Renzi with any questions.