Injuries & Illnesses

If your student has had an injury, illness, or hospital procedure requiring accommodations and/or assistance in school, please notify your school nurse as soon as possible. Documentation from your student's healthcare provider may be needed.  

Notifying your school nurse can help ensure a safe and smooth entry back to school for your student. 

Participation in Physical Education (PE) Classes:

  • When it is necessary to excuse your student from PE class and/or other classes due to illness or injury, written documentation is required from your student’s health care provider. Physical therapist notes are acceptable for chronic and longer-term  injuries. Parent/guardian notes shall not be accepted. 

  • For safety reasons, in order for your student to return to PE class and/or other classes after an illness or injury, written documentation is required from your student’s health care provider or physical therapist. Parent/guardian notes shall not be accepted.


  • Temperature equal to or greater than 100.0 degrees: Student must be fever free for 24 hours, without the use of fever reducing medications (i.e. Tylenol, Motrin), before returning to school. 

  • Strep throat: Student may return to school after 24 hours of taking prescribed antibiotics and if feeling improved.

  • Vomiting or diarrhea: Student may return to school once they are symptom free for 24 hours and have eaten regular food without stomach upset or other GI symptoms.

  • Undiagnosed rashes: Contact your medical provider for an evaluation before sending student to school. A note from your healthcare provider that they are not contagious may be required. 

  • Severe colds and coughs: If your student cannot control/contain their secretions then they should stay home from school. You should contact your medical provider for any persistent cough/cold symptoms.

  • Conjunctivitis (also known as "pink eye"): Students may return to school after 24 hours of treatment with antibiotic eye medication and when their symptoms have improved.