Special Education
NATICK PUBLIC SCHOOLS PROCESS AND PROCEDURE GUIDE- This guide will provide information on supports and intervention prior to pursuing special education eligibility/RTI, special education referral and eligibility, IEP process and meeting facilitation, due process rights as well as access to many special education forms and processes.
NATICK PUBLIC SCHOOLS CONTINUUM OF SPECIAL EDUCATION SERVICES AND PROGRAMS- One stop document to find how IEP services are delivered from the general education classroom to our substantially separate programming. Program and service descriptions are outlined for each level and school where appropriate.
CHILD FIND NOTICE- Under federal and state special education regulations, Natick Public Schools has a duty to locate, identify, refer, evaluate and, if eligible, provide a free, appropriate public education to students with disabilities who reside in the town of Natick.
NATICK PUBLIC SCHOOLS RTI WEBSITE- The NPS RTI website provides information on the process and specific interventions afforded to all students who may be experiencing difficulties or not reaching specific benchmarks in all areas, but may include; academic, social-emotional, behavioral or executive functioning difficulties.
Department of Elementary and Secondary Education, Special Education
Special Education Parent Advisory Council (SEPAC)- A SEPAC is a Special Education Parent Advisory Council. Every public school district in Massachusetts is required to establish a SEPAC. Massachusetts state law assigns both an advisory and participatory function to SEPACs. Membership is offered to all parents of children with disabilities and other interested parties. This link will bring you to the Natick SEPAC page.
NOTICE OF PARENTAL RIGHTS AND PROCEDURAL SAFEGUARDS- School districts must take additional steps to ensure that parents have the information that school districts are required by law to provide to them. Districts may need to obtain interpreters or prepare additional translated materials describing the procedural rights of parents and students under IDEA-2004. Translated documents are available on the DESE website or can be obtained from the Natick Office of Student Services.