Memorial Library
The Natick Public Schools Libraries' mission is to ensure all students are effective users and producers of ideas and information.
About the Library:
Hours: 8:50am-3:00 pm
Library Media Specialist: Ms. Erin Weinman

Circulation / Checkout Policies:
Kindergarten and First Grade - 1 book
Second Grade - 1 book until the December vacation; 2 books after the December vacation
Third Grade - 2 books*
Fourth Grade - 2 books*
*3rd and 4th graders may check out additional books for teacher-confirmed projects and activities such as "Kindergarten Book Buddies."
Loan Period - Personal selections are generally loaned for one week with one renewal. (Exceptions may be made when active readers require more time for book completion.) Project books may be renewed until the classroom assignment is complete.
Overdue and Damaged Books:
An overdue notice ("Oops! Note") is issued with a follow-up email to the family when a book is not returned within a reasonable period of time. Verbal reminders are also given during library class. Students may be blocked from borrowing additional books until overdue books are found or accounted for. Replacement of lost or damaged books is always appreciated.
Choosing Books to Check Out:
Children are encouraged to exercise freedom and have self-awareness when selecting books to check out from the Memorial Library. Many students are very excited to make book selections on their own and may endure a period of bringing home familiar or seemingly inappropriate choices--too easy or too difficult--as they test out their independence and become more familiar with the various areas of the library. Usually students will choose books that they can read independently. Sometimes they will select books that promote emerging skills by engaging in a "picture walk" in fiction picture books or studying illustrations and graphic features in nonfiction texts. Other times students may select a book to enjoy as a read-aloud with a parent or older reader. Ms. Weinman makes every effort to honor students' independence in choosing books but she does encourage them "have a plan" for interacting with their selections:
"I will read this book on my own."
"I will read this with my mom/dad/babysitter/sibling."
"I will look at the pictures and search for words I know."
Parents who find that their children consistently bring home books with which they are unable to engage should contact Ms. Weinman so she can support more appropriate selections during library class.
Donations of new or gently used books are welcome with prior approval only. Ms. Weinman is happy to provide a wish list of books or to screen your list of available books for appropriate titles desired in our library.
Catalogs and Resources:
Libraries store the energy that fuels the imagination. They open up windows to the world and inspire us to explore and achieve, and contribute to improving our quality of life. Libraries change lives for the better.
Sidney Sheldon